This is a part of the Nexus Skyline Towers Apartment project. Caliber performed a Full Depth Reclamation of the existing soil by mixing it with cement. This saved thousands of dollars on exporting old soil and importing new soil by strengthening the existing soil with cement. This is a multiple day process as the cement is spread out as dry material on top of the existing sub base. Then a large machine mixes the cement and soil down to a 15” depth. This must be graded and compacted immediately because as soon as the cement and water mix the chemical reaction will begin to harden the soil. Then over the following 3 to 5 days the soil is watered and compacted each day to create micro cracks in the soil that will allow the soil to be strong like rock base would be. Then asphalt can be paved directly on top of this new soil/base material.

Notes from our Project Manager

this is what we did on this project…